Module 1: Introduction to ISO 9001:2015
- Overview of ISO 9001:2015
- History and Evolution of ISO 9001
- Key Changes in ISO 9001:2015
- Benefits of ISO 9001 Certification
- Structure of ISO 9001:2015 (Annex SL)
Module 2: Quality Management Principles
- Customer Focus
- Leadership
- Engagement of People
- Process Approach
- Improvement
- Evidence-based Decision Making
- Relationship Management
Module 3: PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) Cycle
- Introduction to PDCA
- Plan: Setting objectives and planning processes
- Do: Implementing and managing the processes
- Check: Monitoring and measuring performance
- Act: Taking corrective actions and improvements
- PDCA Cycle and Its Role in ISO 9001:2015
- Integrating PDCA into QMS
- Tools and Techniques for PDCA Implementation
- Benefits of PDCA
- Challenges and Best Practices
Module 4: Clause 1: Scope
- Purpose of the Standard
- Applicability of ISO 9001:2015
- Exclusions and Limitations
Module 5: Clause 2: Normative References
- Understanding Normative References
- Importance of Normative References in ISO 9001:2015
Module 6: Clause 3: Terms and Definitions
- Key Definitions in ISO 9001:2015
- Glossary of Relevant Terms
Module 7: Clause 4: Context of the Organization
- Understanding the Organization and Its Context
- Identifying Internal and External Issues
- Understanding the Needs and Expectations of Interested Parties
- Defining the Scope of the QMS
- The PDCA Approach in Context
Module 8: Clause 5: Leadership and Commitment
- Role of Top Management
- Leadership Responsibilities
- Quality Policy and Objectives
- Organizational Roles and Responsibilities
Module 9: Clause 6: Planning for QMS
- Actions to Address Risks and Opportunities
- Quality Objectives and Planning to Achieve Them
- Planning of Changes
- The Role of PDCA in Planning
Module 10: Clause 7: Support Processes
- Resources Needed for the QMS
- Competence and Awareness of Employees
- Communication Within the Organization
- Documented Information (Records and Documentation)
Module 11: Clause 8: Operations – Delivering Quality
- Operational Planning and Control
- Requirements for Product and Service Delivery
- Risk Management in Operations
Module 12: Clause 9: Evaluating Performance
- Monitoring, Measurement, Analysis, and Evaluation
- Internal Audits
- Management Review
Module 13: Clause 10: Driving Improvement
- Corrective Actions and Preventive Actions (CAPA)
- Continuous Improvement Strategies
- Nonconformity and Improvement
Module 14: Case Studies and Practical Applications
- Real-life Examples of ISO 9001 Implementation
- Industry-specific Use Cases (Manufacturing, Service, Healthcare)
- Lessons Learned and Best Practices
Module 15: ISO 9001 Certification Process
- Understanding the Certification Process
- Stages of Certification
- Preparing for Certification
- Auditing and Documentation Requirements
Module 16: Mock Exercises and Sample Templates
- Mock ISO 9001 Audits
- Sample Quality Policy
- Risk Matrix Templates
- Action Plan Templates for Non-conformities
- Corrective Action Requests (CAR) Templates
Module 17: Certification Opportunities and Career Growth
- Internal Auditor Certification
- Lead Auditor Certification
- ISO 9001 Practitioner Certification
- ISO 9001:2015 Certificate Offered by Accredited Certification Bodies
- Standards and Guidelines
Appendix A: Glossary of Key Terms
- Definitions of Key Terms Used in ISO 9001
Appendix B: Example Documentation Templates
- Quality Policy Template
- Risk Assessment Matrix Template
- Process Flowcharts
Appendix C: Checklist for Internal Audits
- Internal Audit Procedure
- Checklist for Different ISO 9001 Clauses
- Audit Report Templates
Appendix D: Reference Books and Resources
- Books and Resources